Do you want to integrate visual material with your Masters or Doctoral research?
The course introduces postgraduate students to ways of working with digital video as a research tool, particularly in the disciplinary area of Visual Anthropology. It promotes an open-ended, content-led approach to documentary film, where filming forms part of the research process rather than taking place at the end of a research period, as in standard documentary practice.
Filming the 50th Anniversary of the Bark Petition, Yirrkala, Northern Territory, Australia. Photo credit: Julian Laffan.
Students will use digital video to explore a research topic under guidance and supervision. Across the course you will produce edited video compilations to communicate understandings of the topic that has emerged through the filming and editing process. Readings and in-class discussions will help stimulate your thinking as you move through the course.
Course convenor: Dr Natasha Fijn, email:
The course will be held in the Theatrette and Lady Wilson Room in the Sir Roland Wilson Building, Thursdays 1-4pm, Second Semester 2015.